July 9, 2020: NiNi’s Education LLC is a newly established company, with the aim to promote children’s learning through play. It is founded by Rondinella Hoxha Gashi and Adelina Jusufi Dalipi.
The main objective of NiNi's Education is to contribute to the development of STEAM Education in Kosovo, by building critical STEAM and socio-emotional skills in children of preschool and primary education age, respectively children of age 3-10. They decided to bring something different, fun, meaningful and effective to help children strive and acquire necessary skills by building their confidence and boosting their passion for learning.
Për të përmbushur objektivin e vet kryesor, NiNi’s Education pĕrdorë programet e Lego Education pĕr shkak të ekspertizës së gjatë të Lego Education në fushën e mësimit përmes lojës, si dhe për faktin se blloqet Lego janë ndër lodrat më të preferuara të fëmijëve në botë dhe ky brend njihet mjaft edhe në Kosovë, si nga fëmijët poashtu edhe nga prindërit.
NiNi’s Education instructors who deliver the courses are certified Lego Education instructors, certified by Lego Education Academy.
It is the start-up grant from Kosovo Women for Women that made it possible for NiNi's Education to get the certification training and have its staff certified by Lego Education Academy. Besides training, this grant also covered the cost of purchasing the first Lego Education kits to help this company get started with the work.