Global studies conducted by the UN Agencies on the COVID-19 and its impact on women, have shown that the pandemic “is deepening pre-existing inequalities, exposing vulnerabilities in social, political and economic systems which are amplifying the impacts of the pandemic.” The UNDP reports that during the pandemic, the percentage of domestic violence, largely targeting women, has increased by 35%, and a majority of the respondents do not know where to seek help in case they or someone experiences domestic violence.
In this regard, KW4W is looking for a CONSULTANT to serve as an expert trainer to conduct advanced training via workshop for 26 women to become advocates and community watchdogs against Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) as part of the project “Together Building Resilience” funded by the United Nations Trust Fund (UNTF).
The overall purpose of the workshop is to train twenty-six (26) women to become agents of change in their communities and advocates as well as watchdogs against VAWG. The goal of the workshop is to expand on community-based advocacy by considering relevant content covering factors such as:
1. an in-depth understanding about the concepts of violence against women including different forms of violence
2. different mechanisms that provide services to survivors
3. identification of community issues in regards to violence against women
4. developing community action plans regarding violence against women
5. lobbying and campaigning against violence etc.
The consultancy service entails a five-day workshop for a group of 26 women, along with one additional day for workshop preparation and organization. The consultant is expected to develop the agenda of the workshop, a training manual, training session plans, to organize and facilitate the training sessions and to administer pre and post questionnaires to evaluate the training.
The workshop should be highly participatory, with the aim of enabling participants to practice skills, use tools and techniques and develop competencies during the training, which they will be able to apply in their work. The training should be a mixture of interactive presentations, collaborative group activities, and group discussions. A range of training methods should be used throughout the training, including activities reflecting different learning styles.
1. Reviewing and providing feedback on training manual, implementation workplan, training session plans and training reports;
2. Supporting mobilization and organization of training sessions;
3. Monitoring consultancy and training sessions.
1. Conduct five-day training sessions/workshops for women;
2. Develop training manual, training session plans and training reports;
3. Measure pre and post workshop knowledge;
4. Share a copy of the developed training material plus presentation with Kosova Women 4 Women before conducting the training (The manual should describe in detail the session plans addressing the learning outcomes including: Learning outcomes for each session; key content for each session; training methods for each session including a detailed explanation of group activities, materials for each session (eg. presentations, videos or case studies, group activities) as well as trainee materials (if applicable, pre-course materials, course handouts and post-course materials);
5. Submit a report upon completion of workshop to Kosova – Women 4 Women
• Potential Consultant should be competent trainer in the field of gender with relevant experience including significant experience of delivering trainings, workshops, etc., particularly within gender sector
• Expertise in initiatives that aim to eradicate violence against women and girls
• Experience of designing participatory training for work-related learning
• Fluency (Verbal and written) Skill in Albanian and English Languages (Serbian is a big plus, but not required)
• Minimum of five (5) years of relevant experience in providing trainings to non-governmental and development organizations
• Excellent communication and facilitation skills, distinct but moderate and enabling rather than imposing.
• Adequate capacity building background including recent expertise in leading advocacy/campaigning/policy influencing work
Consultancy will be for six days.
• A short concept note (no more than one page) that highlights key subjects in training manual;
• CV;
• References of similar assignments;
• A financial offer
The application deadline is WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH 2023 at 4:00 PM. Please send all required documents with subject line: CHANGE AGENTS – UNTF at the email:
Kosova-Women 4 Women does not discriminate based on race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, marital status, matriculation, physical or mental disability, personal appearance, family responsibilities, political affiliation or status as a disabled or veteran or any other status.